Where can I find a list of ingredients & other info on each blend?
You can find them on our products page.
Do your teas contain any caffeine? If so, how much?
Yes and no! Some blends are caffeine-free, while others aren't.
The caffeine content in tea usually varies from plant to plant and from season to season. In general, our teas that do contain caffeine will have less that 1/3rd the amount of caffeine than coffee.
Do your teas contain any flavouring/flavours?
Some blends do, some don't!
What is the difference between natural flavours and artificial/nature identical (NI) flavours?
These two kinds of flavouring have more in common than you might think. In many cases, natural and artificial flavourings have the exact same composition - they're just made in different ways. Artificial flavouring is just as safe to drink as natural flavouring is.
Natural flavouring comes from all-natural sources, such as essential oils, essences, and/or extracts.
The term 'artificial flavouring' is used when a particular flavour doesn't come entirely from natural sources. Some artificial flavours are almost 100% natural. Others are entirely mad-made. But the fact remains, that if any component of a flavour is created artificially, it has to be labelled as 'artificial'.
If there isn't much of a difference, why use artificial/NI flavours at all?
We aim to use the most delicious, highest quality ingredients to curate blends for you, and sometimes, an all-natural option isn't available or simply isn't the best option.
What are your pyramid tea bags made of?
All our tea bags are made of a plant-based material called soilon. Made using a Polyactic Acid (PLA) derived from plant materials that is 100% commercially compostable and certified as 'safe' by the FDA.
Our tea bags do not comprise of PET plastic or nylon.
Is the tea bag material biodegradable?
Yes, it is! Our tea bags are made from the starch of plant-based material - primarily corn.
The tea bags will fully biodegrade in 90 days when in perfect compost conditions. The speed at which it decomposes depends on the levels of microbes in the active compost. In natural/normal conditions, it takes about 3 years for the tea bag to full decompose. It won't decompose in very cold climates.